Major Upgrade - New Website after 10 years

Ten years ago YouTube and Facebook were just getting going and only birds tweeted. You couldn't get sat-nav on your phone or take much of a photo with it.

In 2007 started online with a system called osCommerce to present our offering, along with Paypal to process payments. As internet technology moves on, we seek to provide an easy shopping process that works well on whichever device you happen to be using, whether mobile, tablet, laptop or desktop. In view of this we're proud to announce that the upgrade and transfer to a new Shopify hosted platform now complete and you are now here on our new website.

The aims were 1) easier navigation 2) faster shopping 3) added security 4) quicker checkout 5) more payment options 6) clearer display whichever device 8) more discount pack-size options and 9) more delivery options.

We hope you like the new look and we welcome your feedback or comments. Thank you for joining us on this journey.
How our website used to look back in the day.

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